About Me

Wellington, CO
I'm a regular guy that has a weakness for collecting cars. It's not my fault that they follow me home.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Still doing stuff


So now the steering box is in. I got extra seals from RockAuto.com in case I ever need another or another guy doing a Toyota swap needs one. So where am I headed from here? I'm in the process of bolting the radiator saddle to the frame. Then I can mount up the radiator so we can figure out where to place the engine and transmission mounts. I've got some time off coming up this weekend so I think we can make all this happen soon. The hard part will be getting some dudes together to help me lift the cab up onto the frame. Maybe next week on that, we'll see. I'm going to take my 3rd member to my buddy Super Bill at Lewis County Fleet Service for the final check before I put the rear end together. Still debating whether or not to rebuild the internals on my drag link. They look fine, but the rebuild kits are cheap ($19). I also can't find the nut that goes on the Pitman arm of my toyota steering box. 4 bucks for another if I can't find it, the joys of putting stuff together right. I'll get some pics up this weekend because everyone loves pictures right?

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