So I think it definitely looks a lot better.
I also cleaned up my rear axle housing and put a couple coats of Zero Rust on it. Here's a before:
And here's an after, that really turned out good.
Also sandblasted and painted the passenger side cab mount. Here it is after getting its 1st coat of Zero Rust:
One more coat and it should be ready to mount back on the frame.
Now putting together a parts order from Mid-Fifty, finally going to start buying some pieces to start making it look like a truck again. I've got plenty of sandblasting to keep me busy in the interim.
The weather has been much better lately and the sun has made a few rare appearances in the Pacific NW this winter. When it's not freezing cold it's easier to get things done in the shop since running the woodstove really cuts down on the ability to use chemicals.
Still have a couple days off this week so I will continue making progress on getting the front end ready to reassemble on the frame. The Drag link is complete and a heavy duty tie rod is on order.
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