About Me

Wellington, CO
I'm a regular guy that has a weakness for collecting cars. It's not my fault that they follow me home.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Well, there hasn't been a lot of activity on the Ford lately, which is the reason for the lack of updates. There has been some goings on in the shop however. We sold our Mustang convertible to my friend Keith which dropped us back into the single digits for cars. He's put some work into the car and it's running great for him. I've still got a few more I may consider letting go, but I'm in no real hurry.

Went to an auction and picked up a few more items for the shop:

A Wilton vise and stand

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And a monster bench grinder

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Both of these should be invaluable for all my projects. They work great and a little fresh paint and they'll be good to go. I also finally broke down and bought a 4 post lift for the shop as well. This way I can stack the AMX and my Corvette (Oh yeah, I bought a Corvette!)

Here's the Vette and the AMX side by side in the shop. Note the storage loft is still standing in this photo, I demo'ed all that to make room for the lift:
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And here they are all stacked up with the loft out of the way:

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The bottom line is I now have more room for working on projects, most notably the 55. I'll have some more pictures to post shortly, but I just wanted to show the world that the blog is still active.

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